Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reading Walter Wink

From Wink's, "The Human Being: Jesus and the Enigma of the Son of Man":
p. 30 - "Jesus incarnated God in his own person to show all of us how to incarnate God. And to incarnate God is what it means to be fully human."
p. 89 - "'We will have to give account on the judgment day of every good thing which we refused to enjoy when we might have done so'."
p. 95 - "Does Jesus serve in order to find life, or does he serve because he has found life? Is serving a way to life, or is service the overflow from having discovered life? Christians have too often performed acts of service in order to 'earn' eternal life... Jesus served not in order to get somewhere but because he had gotten somewhere... You serve out of joy, not obligation. Service is not the way, but a consequence of having found the way."
p. 104 - "... Jesus hammered out the first consistent critique of domination that we know of since the world began... Jesus was setting captives free, and the captors were not pleased. Thus his death was consistent with his life. He shows us not just the liberating God, but the consequences of following such a God in a world organized for exploitation and greed: ' If they want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me' (Mark 8:34)."
Currently watching : When the Levees Broke - A Requiem In Four Acts (Documentary)

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